Predefined and Custom Validation Rules

This chapter will detail all of the available validation functions predefined in the Registry, as well as the means by which you can construct and register your own functions.

Provided Functions

The Registry has a number of functions that you can use out of the box. Almost all of these are defined in the LIVR specification.

Standard Rules

  • required – Fails if a value is null or an empty string
  • not_empty – Fails if a value is an empty string
  • not_empty_list – Fails if a count returns 0
  • any_object – Fails if a value is not an object or an associative array
  • string – Fails if a value is not a string, int, float, or bool
  • one_of – Fails if a value is not in a list of acceptable choices
  • eq – Fails if a value is not equal to the provided value (like one_of with only one option)
  • min_length – Fails if a string is shorter than an acceptable length
  • max_length – Fails if a string is longer than an acceptable length
  • length_equal – Fails if a string is not the exact specified length
  • length_between – Fails if a string is shorter or longer than the specified range
  • like – Fails if a string doesn't match a regular expression
  • integer – Fails if a value does not evaluate to an integer
  • positive_integer – Fails if a value does not evaluate to a positive integer
  • decimal – Fails if a value does not evaluate to a decimal
  • positive_decimal – Fails if a value does not evaluate to a positive decimal
  • min_number – Fails if a number is less than a lower bound
  • max_number – Fails if a number is greater than an upper bound
  • number_between – Fails if a number does not fall within the specified range
  • email – Fails if a string is not a valid email address
  • iso_date – Fails if a string is not a valid ISO 8601 date (e.g. 2018-01-01)
  • url – Fails if a string is not a valid URL
  • equal_to_field – Fails if a value is not equal to a different field on the same object under validation
  • timezone – Fails if a string is not a valid timezone identifier (e.g. America/New_York) (this rule is not part of the LIVR specification)


  • nested_object – Allows you to specify rules for a nested object
  • variable_object – Allows you to specify rules for a nested object, but also declare alternate rules depending on the value of an object property
  • list_of – Allows you to specify rules for the elements of a list
  • list_of_objects – Allows you to specify rules for objects within a list
  • list_of_different_objects – Allows you to specify rules for objects within a list, but also declare alternate rules depending on the value of an object property

Custom Functions

The Registry class has a register method that accepts an array. By invoking this method, you can register your own custom validation functions. The array keys are the names of your functions, and each value should be a callable factory that accepts zero or more arguments and produces a Caridea\Validate\Rule object.

The Rule class

The Rule interface requires only a single method: apply, which takes the value to validate and also the original object from which it came. This method needs to return null if all validation is successful, or an array of string error codes.


Let's declare and register a sample validation Rule for credit card numbers.

 * Luhn algorithm number checker
 * This code has been released into the public domain, however please give
 * credit to the original author where possible.
 * @author shaman -
function luhn_check($number)
    $number = preg_replace('/\D/', '', $number);
    $number_length = strlen($number);
    $parity = $number_length % 2;
    $total = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $number_length; $i++) {
        $digit = $number[$i];
        if ($i % 2 == $parity) {
            $digit *= 2;
            if ($digit > 9) {
                $digit -= 9;
        $total += $digit;
    return ($total % 10 == 0);

class MyCustomRules
    public static function getCreditCard()
        return new class() implements \Caridea\Validate\Rule
            public function apply($value, $data = []): ?array
                if (!is_string($value)) {
                    return ["FORMAT_ERROR"];
                return luhn_check($value) ? null : ['WRONG_CREDIT_CARD'];

$registry = new \Caridea\Validate\Registry();
    'credit_card' => ['MyCustomRules', 'getCreditCard'], // a static method